accessibility - Evolve Your Future


We are committed to making our site easy to use, including the use of:

  • meaningful ALT text for all images to provide descriptive text
  • descriptive hyperlink text
  • an easy-to-see web colour scheme.

Our new website has keyboard shortcuts, accessed by using the following keys on the browsers below:

Firefox and Safari
Alt + Shift on Windows
Ctrl + ⌥ Opt on Mac

IE10 and above
Alt on Windows

For links, you need Alt + Access Key focused on the element, plus Enter to activate

Alt on Windows
Ctrl + ⌥ Opt on Mac

Access Key letter action
H loads our home page
A loads the accessibility page
N skips to main page navigation
S skips to main page content

The new website should work with the accessibility options in IOS and Android on tablet and mobile. It should also work with all major screen-reader software. This new design includes bigger buttons, and links so that you can use the website more easily. To make the links or buttons larger, increase the font size.

To change the way this site is displayed choose from the following colour options:
To alter your colour scheme for this site, select from one of the options below.


This is the default setting for the site
Main Text Menu Text

High Visability

These colour schemes are designed to have high contrast between text and background to support people with a visual impairment.
Main Text Menu Text
Main Text Menu Text


These colour schemes are designed to be more 'comfortable' for the eyes. They do not have the degree of contrast of the 'high visibility' options. Therefore users who have dyslexia may find these colour schemes more accessible.
Main Text Menu Text
Main Text Menu Text